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Dr. Paul Petzschmann:

Dr. Paul Petzschmann: Mr. Paul Petzschmann is DPhil and M. Phil in Politics from St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. His publications include Pakistan and the IMP; Pakistan: Police weakness mars fight against extremism; Alternative Dispute Resolution and Social Regulation...

Sarwat Inayat Mirza:

Sarwat Inayat Mirza: Sarwat Inayat Mirza, MSc (Applied Psychology) is a senior lecturer in the National Academy for Prisons Administration (NAPA), Pakistan. She has long association with research activities and teaching on diversion, criminal psychology, juvenile delinquency, probation and...

Prof. Qibla Ayaz:

Prof. Qibla Ayaz: Prof. Qibla Ayaz (Endinburgh University, Scotland) is a well-known scholar on Islamic studies and contemporary issues like Islam and modernism, inter-faith peace and Islam and modern political thoughts, etc. Currently, he is the Chairman, Department of...