Fasihuddin (PSP), President Pakistan Society of Criminology was invited by Chinese Police to attend a Workshop on Terrorism hosted by Peoples Public Security University (PPSU) at the Research Institute for SCO of Shanghai University, Political Science and Law Department. The Workshop was attended by scholars from USA, Germany, Israel, Singapore and China. It was a one-day Workshop where participant scholars shared their experiences and knowledge of Counter-Terrorism with Chinese Police officers. China is currently assessing the impact and lessons learnt from the CT policies of other countries. The Workshop was held on 7th November, 2015.
Later on, the President of PSC gave two extensive lectures to the officers and students of CT Department in PPSU. The first lecture was on the comparative study of CT policies of USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Russia, and Pakistan. The second lecture was on the establishment and performance of CT Department (CTD) of KPk Police which has rendered excellent services in countering terrorism in KPk and has set-up a model for other police units across the globe. Prof. Jianming Mei of PPSU, Prof. Yuan Shengyu of the Research Institute for SCO and Prof. Sheng Hongsheng of the School of International Law and many others took keen interest in making these events successful and fruitful. Indeed, both the events and the presentations are of great importance and valuable significance for the decision-makers to chalk out effective and meaningful CT Policies for the PRC. The scholars and officers of Chinese police took much interest in the experience of CTD, KPk.