A grand Jirga of Uthmankhel Pakhtoon Ittehad was held at the hujra of tribal notable Haji Maluke in Ghani Dheri, Malakand Agency, on Saturday, 28th March, 2015. Haji Maluke praised the services of Uthmankhel tribe in restoration of peace in the area through strong vigilance, and victim-offender mediation through mediation and restorative justice. Ex-MNA Haji Muhammad Khan spoke on the occasion and demanded the development of the area through education, health facilities and infrastructure works. Malak Haji Bahader Shah of Bajaur, the Central President of the Uthmankhel Pakhtoon Ittehad and Muhammad Ilyas GS of the organization spoke to the audience. The Jirga expressed unity with the government and Pakistan Army for restoration of peace and curbing militancy in certain tribal areas. They demanded speedy and meaningful works and allocation of ample recourses for compensation of poppy cultivation to the tribesmen in FATA. The Jirga also praised the services and sacrifices of the Patron-in-Chief of Uthmankhel tribe. Dr. Fasihuddin for working for their identity and unity through political solidarity, economic development, educational progress and social cohesion.