Home > Event > Community Engagement: Remembering Qazi Abdul Haleeem Asar Afghani, Mandal House.
25 December, 2011
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The Pushto Adabi Tolana (Pushto Literary Society) Takht-Bhai, Mardan, KPK, held a meeting in remembrance of the legendary writer, poet and researcher of pushto, Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani (1910-Dec.8, 1987), at Mandal House, Takht-Bhai. Prominent poets, writers, media men and students attended the selected gathering. Popular researcher and coloumnist Sadullah Jan Barq, and poets, academics, writers like M R Shafaq, Israrullah Israr, Iqbal Iqbal, Usman Seemab, Izzat Muhammad Khaplwak and Prof. Pir Zahir Shah spoke on the life, history, academic and intellectual achievements and political services of the late Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani. Fasihuddin, President PSC, presided over the meeting and narrated about the multi-dimensional personality of late Qazi Asar in light of his own interaction with the legendary scholar during his school and college days. An author of more than 200 published and unpublished books, late Qazi Asar was remembered after 24 years since his death on Dec. 8, 1987. The meeting demanded that his books should be published and re-printed. Qazi Abdul Haleem Asar Afghani was a great scholar, a mystic, a researcher, a freedom-fighter, a tribal representative and an expert on old languages and genealogies of Pushto and Persian speaking people of the Pushtoon belt and Afghanistan. He was highly respected in the academic and tribal circles of Paksitan and Afghanistan. His life history can be found in the special issue of ‘Monthly Pushto’ of the Pushto Academy, Peshawar. Fasihuddin has also written a coloumn as a tribute to Qazi Asar in Daily Aaj, Peshawar on Dec. 8, 2011, which can be traced online.