Home > Event > Visit to Edmonton Police and Athabasca University Canada.
02 November, 2006
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After attending the ASC meeting in LA, USA, Fasihuddin (PSP), was invited to give a presentation to the Edmonton Police and students of MSc Criminology at Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. Prof. Dr. Curtis Clarke welcomed and appreciated the efforts of Fasihuddin (PSP) in bringing criminology to Pakistan. He presented on “Knowledge-based Poppy Cultivation Control: Local Police Practice and Community Negotiations”. The Canadian police officers and students took keen interest in the dialogue with the poppy-growers/tribal population in making them understand the cost of poppy-cultivation in terms of health, economy and national image. They also showed interest in the study and analysis of the Collectives Responsibility of tribes under Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) law.