About 300 participants and delegates from 23 countries attended and presented their researches and best practices in the National and Regional Conference for Juvenile Justice in Bangkok, Thailand and in the First Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice (APCJJ) on June 12-15, 2012. Both events were organized by a joint collaboration of the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice, Thailand, Thai-Health Promotion Foundation and International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO), Brussels, Belgium. Scholars, judges, NGOs and law-enforcement officials from Japan, China, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, PNG, Nepal, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Pakistan and many more attended the conference and meeting. The Secretary, Human Rights, Govt; of Pakistan, Mr. Shaighan Shareef Malik represented the government. Fasihuddin (PSP), presented on ‘Role of Police in Developing Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan; APCJJ is expected to make some promising break-through for children rights in the context of Asian-Pacific countries. The meeting was a great success towards a comprehensive and integrated juvenile justice policy in the region.