Home > Event > Human Trafficking in Pakistan and the Role of Police
19 December, 2008
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The enormity and gravity of the problem of trafficking in persons in and out of Pakistan demand a serious multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral approach on part of the law-enforcement agencies with emphasis on preventive intelligence and development of a comprehensive model of intelligence- led policing (ILP) by all the four provincial police departments in collaboration with the national and international organizations”, said the President of PSC in his presentation on ‘Human Trafficking in Pakistan and the Role of Police’ in a seminar on the ‘Issue of Illegal Migration, Human Trafficking and Smuggling’ held in Peshawar on Dec. 19, 2008. The seminar was organized by a group of NGOs, BEFARe and Action-Aid in connection with a project, funded by the European Union. “ The police have much human resources, presence and infrastructure across the country as compared to other law-enforcement agencies, and their involvement in gathering intelligence on criminal markets engaged in organized and transnational crimes, the burgeoning of internal trafficking into a global crime continuum and the victim rehabilitation and reintegration could be of immensely positive results, provided the local police are given proper capacity-building training, surveillance equipments, financial resources, and provided the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is extended to the local police”, he elaborated. Mr. Muhammad Amin spoke on ‘Migration, Irregular Migration, Human Trafficking & Smuggling Pakistan-Perspective’. The Director Legal, FIA, Haji Muhammad Azam spoke at a length on the various legal and practical issues related to Human Trafficking and Smuggling in Pakistan. The lack of indigenous research, non-availability of data and poor record compilation system in the country was lamented by all in the seminar. The PSC offers to undertake serious academic research and analysis on the subject provided there is a commitment, patience and cooperation by the stakeholders.