Home > Event > Growing Interest in De-Radicalization in NWFP(KPk).
20 April, 2009
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A Norwegian scholar Laila Bokhari visited Peshawar and called on Fasihuddin, the President of Pakistan Society of Criminology and Director Research and Development, NWFP Police on April 20, 2009. The second Secretary of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Mr. Lars Christie was also present in the meeting. A well-known scholar of Islamic Studies at the University of Peshawar, Prof. Dr. Qibla Ayaz was especially invited to the discussion. The researcher had special interest in the root causes of militancy in the NWFP, the tactics, techniques and finances of terrorists organizations and the response of criminal justice system and issues of law-enforcement. Laila Bokhari had a special interest in the de-radicalization process, and focused on how to evolve and develop a local de-indoctrination strategy for the people at risk to save them from slipping into the hands of militant groups.