“The Huns attack on Pashtoon belt outrightly damaged the Pashto language vocabulary so much so that we are left only with eight or nine names for denoting colours whereas there are about seventy to eighty names for colours and its shades in other languages, said Dr. Faizullah Khan during a seminar on “Effects of 9/11 on Pashto Literature”, held in Research Library Peshawar. “9/11 has not only created new challenges for the Muslim world but also a new knowledge is being created on Islam and there is a great productivity in all spheres of literature like poem, essay, novel, story, fiction, satire, drama, literary associations, etc;” he said. “Also the research on Pakhtoon and Pakhtoonwali (Pashtoon code of conduct) has become a subject of great intellectual exercise throughout the world”, he said. Chief-Guest and renowned scholar Rokhan Yousafzai stated that, “the folklore in Pashto, especially Tapa has been seriously influenced by the post 9/11 developments”. “Folklore is generally a reflection of true public sentiments and is without any adulteration and impurities.” “The public mind on 9/11 can be easily traced in Pashto literature on Tapa and Charbyta”, he said. “All resistance movements and wars like Vietnam and Afghan-Soviet are fully reflected in our poetry, so 9/11 is also fully commented by our writers and poets in their creative work”, the speaker said. The speaker quoted examples from Pashto literature that how the songs and lyrics have become enriched by new words and concepts in the post 9/11 scenario. “As the Jihadi literature was copious during the Afghan-Soviet war, so the literature on peace, conflict-resolution, humanity and enlightenment is abundant in the post 9/11 creative literature”, the speaker compared the two periods. “Not only literature, but also the whole life and culture of Pashtoons are subjected to serious changes in the post 9/11 developments, which need to be traced and evaluated by critics and researchers”, the scholar commented. The session was presided by famous scholar Saleem Raz and attended by scholars and media representatives in Peshawar. The session was followed by Q and A.