Home > Event > 8th Annual Meeting of European Society of Criminology, Scotland.
08 September, 2008
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The President of PSC attended the 8th Annual Meeting of ESC, at Edinburgh University, Scotland on September 5-8, 2008. Fasihuddin (PSP) presented a paper on “ US-Long War on Terror, Peace Deals with Militants and US/NATO Air strikes”. There is no announced Anti-Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Policy in Pakistan. The debate on development, dialogue and deterrence, 3Ds, it seems to be a replica of the 3Ds of Pentagon, but has no clear-cut contours. No one knows which one D precedes the other and in what sequence they revolve and with what frequency. Pakistan needs a well-thought Counter-Terrorism Policy with nationally agreed components of operational and strategic narratives. It needs vision, resources and a stakeholders’ analysis.