Home > Event > 6th Annual Meeting of ESC, Tuebingin, Germany.
01 August, 2005
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The European Society of Criminology (ESC) held its Annual Meeting at the University of Tuebingin, Germany on August 26-29, 2006. The theme of the conference was “Understanding Crime: structural and Developmental Dimensions and their Implications for Policy”. Fasihuddin (PSP), the Deputy Commandant, Frontier Reserve Police (FRP), presented a paper on “Blasphemous Cartoons: Afghanistan and Local Police Efforts in District Charsaddah, NWFP, Pakistan”. The audience took extreme interest in the rising religious intolerance throughout the world and the implications of freedom of speech which knows no limitations. The sensitivities of religiously motivated people need to be rationally analyzed and understood. Multi-cultural Policing is one of the responses to such issues, including community policing best practices.