The President of Pakistan Society of Criminology, Fasihuddin was invited to visit and talk to the scholars and staff of the international Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR), attached with S. Rajaratnam School of International Students (SRIS) at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on June 10-12, 2012. Fasihuddin gave a talk on the Causes of Radicalism in KPK and FATA and the current situation of law and order in the region. The ICPVTR has been doing excellent research work on political violence, radicalism, community engagement, rehabilitation and de-radicalization and security and strategic studies. The chief of the Centre Prof. Rohan Gunaratna is a well-known writer and scholar on Al-Qaeda and has a deep insight on issues relating to southeast Asia and Far East Asia security and the impacts of Al-Qaeda ideology on the region. He has written a lot on this subject and has recently co-authored a book on ‘Pakistan, Terrorism Zero Ground’ with another scholar Mr. Khurram Iqbal. Many Pakistani research scholars are currently undertaking their research thesis at the Centre. The Centre has organized many courses for scholars and law-enforcement officials from Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Yemen, Egypt, Nepal, Australia, India, etc. The Centre is committed to intelligence profiling and analysis of all terrorism incidents, personalities and organizations with a view to devise effective counter-terrorism and anti-radicalism policies for the region, especially Singapore. Much of the Singapore’s peaceful community environment seems to be due to the Centre’s initiative of community engagement and de-radicalization initiatives. The Centre has some good research and reading material. Besides Prof. Rohan, Dr. Arabinda Acharya is doing a lot of good work on the subject and his latest book “Targeting Terrorist Financing” is a well-researched and well-documented production. Another scholar Dr. Ahmad Saleh Hussain is also working and contributing day in and day out for the good name of the Centre and is a renowned scholar on counter-insurgency. All the scholars of the ICPVTR greatly appreciated the indigenous work of the Pakistan Society of Criminology.