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Prof. Ian Loader:

Prof. Ian Loader is Professor of Criminology and Director of Criminology. He arrived at Oxford in 2005 from Keele University, where he had worked since 1992 in the Department of Criminology. Prior to that he was a Lecturer in Criminology and Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh, from where he obtained his PhD in 1993. Ian is author or co-author of six books – Cautionary Tales (1994, Avebury, with S. Anderson, R. Kinsey and C. Smith), Youth, Policing and Democracy (1996, Palgrave), Crime and Social Change in Middle England (2000, Routledge, with E. Girling and R. Sparks), Policing and the Condition of England: Memory, Politics and Culture (2003, Oxford, with A. Mulcahy), Civilizing Security (2007, Cambridge, with N. Walker) and Public Criminology? (2010, Routledge, with R. Sparks). He has also written papers on contemporary transformations in policing and security, on the intersections between politics, criminology and crime control, and on penal politics and culture. Ian is an Editor of the British Journal of Criminology, Associate Editor of Theoretical Criminology and is on the Editorial Boards of Policing and Society, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, The Open Criminology Journal and IPS: International Political Sociology. Ian was a member of the Commission on English Prisons Today from 2007-2009, and now chairs the Research Advisory Group of the Howard League for Penal Reform. He has, since 2006, been co-convener, with the Police Foundation, of the Oxford Policing Policy Forum. Ian is an Associate Fellow of ippr and is an elected member of the Council of Liberty

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